Thursday, January 5, 2023

There's just something about the Gospel

 The word, "Gospel" in the Greek means "good news." I find it amazing how the Gospel can make my heart soar, my mind be at peace and my confidence in my salvation through faith in Christ Jesus becomes more firm.

 In my journal I wrote down this Gospel message from Harold Senkbeil: In His death Jesus Christ swallowed up our death, and rose again triumphantly to take all the teeth out of the grave. In His promise of the resurrection, death loses its power. When we die with Jesus, we really live.

 Death is our enemy.  It is not our friend. It is good news that Jesus has defeated death for us.  When we confess in the Creed, "I believe in the resurrection of the dead and the life everlasting," we do so with the confidence that just as Jesus rose from the dead, we too shall rise on the Last Day. And the Last Day for us is just the beginning of our time in the presence of Jesus, not for a day, but for all eternity!