Friday, October 18, 2019

Come, Lord Jesus

Of all the prayers we teach our children and grandchildren, this one (next to the Lord's Prayer) may be the most beloved:

Come, Lord Jesus

be our guest.

And let these gifts

to us be blessed.


Not only does this little prayer invite Jesus to be our unseen guest as we give thanks and partake of the gifts He gives for our nourishment, "Come, Lord Jesus" also reminds us that:

     Jesus will come again on the Last Day with great power and glory

     Jesus will come to judge, as we say in the Creed, "the living and the dead"

     Jesus will come at a time when we least expect Him

     Jesus will come and we, His people, will be filled with overflowing hope and joy

When we became adults, sometimes we set aside the prayers we prayed as a child.  Not so with this one.  Its words express the longing of every believing heart.  And so we pray, Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!