Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Feeling appreciated, a priceless gift!

Life in Christ congregation is a generous group of people.  Each year when Pastor Appreciation Month rolls around, Sherri and I are blessed with numerous calls, cards and gifts.  Movie tickets and restaurant gift cards are so nice.  But it's the greeting cards and notes that come with the gifts.  The kind and uplifting words of appreciation from those you serve mean more than a person will ever know.

This past Sunday, included in the Attendance Cards, was a yellow offering envelope; we put these in the chair backs and if a person wants to give an offering they can grab the envelope, insert their gift and place it in the offering plate.

This particular yellow envelope didn't have a financial gift inside.  But it contained a priceless gift anyway.

Written on the outside of the card was the following:

Giv        To  Pastor

Thank you!

You are one of my best friend

 I don't know who wrote this note.  I don't need to know.  It was enough to know that one of the children of the church appreciates me and considers me their friend (one of their best!).

Do you need to hear someone call you a friend today? If so, turn to John, chapter 15 and read verses 9-17.  Jesus calls you His friend.  You are such a special friend to Jesus that He "laid down His life" for you.  Jesus laid down his life so that you can be certain that your sins are paid for and that you will live with Jesus forever in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus is a priceless friend.  He treats us right.  Jesus has withheld nothing from us.  He has made known to us everything He has learned from His Father.  And the Father and Son have sent us the Holy Spirit, the Teacher who will continue to teach us everything we need to know and believe so that we find joy in serving our Friend and Savior, Jesus.

In fact, if you have yet prayed this morning, why not start out like this: Thank You, Jesus! You are one of my best friends, the best friend I could ever have!