Monday, June 6, 2022

A Behind the Scenes Look


A Behind the Scenes Look

            During our recently completed European trip, my dear sweet wife and I had the pleasure to take special tours of the famous Vienna Opera House and the Royal Albert Hall in London.  These two places have hosted the greatest performers in the world.  Maria Callas and Placido Domingo have wowed standing room only crowds in Vienna while every kind of music imaginable – from classical and opera to rock and reggae – have been performed in London.  Knowing all this made for a special and exciting time.

            We were promised a behind the scenes look and that what we got.  At the Vienna Opera House we got a look at how the stage was designed so that sets for various presentations could be changed in seconds rather than minutes.  We watched as set designers used ordinary pieces of cardboard in which huge looking boulders were created.  A special treat during our tour of the Royal Albert Hall was the opportunity to sit in the box that was adjacent to the Queen’s Box.  We weren’t allowed to go in her box – something about being not royal enough.  But we did visit the Queen’s Waiting Room, a place where she and her entourage can go to be served food and beverages before performances and at intermission.  I don’t know for sure but I hope I sat on the Queen’s chair.

            It is exciting to be able to see things that folks don’t normally see.  It makes us feel special and important.  2 Kings, chapter 6 offers to us a different kinds of behind the scenes look that was very meaningful for the servant of Elisha.

            The King of Aram was at war with Israel.  When he learned that Elisha, the man of God, was spoiling his plans, the King wanted Elisha.  When it was discovered that Elisha was in a place called Dothan, the King dispatched a large force of soldiers whose mission is simple – get Elisha.

            First one up that morning was Elisha servant.  I don’t know if he was going out to get the paper or what but the poor man couldn’t believe what he saw – not a few soldiers but an entire army had surrounded the city.  He quickly alerted Elisha to what was happening but the man of God to the servant, in so many words, “Don’t worry about it.”

            Why wasn’t Elisha worried? God had permitted him to see something the servant couldn’t see.  So Elisha asked God to give the servant a behind the scenes look.  The Scripture says, Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

            Wouldn’t you like to have that privilege just once, for the Lord to let you look behind the scenes of your financial struggle, your job search or your trials in raising children? The likelihood is that God is going to ask you to do something different but beneficial to your life with Him.  And that is to trust in Him.

            But as you live by faith, remember that this story teaches that God does work on your behalf, behind the scenes, so to speak, carrying out His will for your life.  In the process, God might allow struggles to come your way.  This struggles simply refine your faith and help you to realize just how much you need the Lord’s grace and mercy and care in your life.  And one more important thing – as relief came to Elisha and the servant, so relief will come to you in God’s timing and for your benefit.

            Yes, we’d love a behind the scenes look at how God is dealing with our needs and requests.  But we live by faith and not by sight so we remember this reassuring word from Hebrews, chapter 11: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  This week, trust Jesus – walk in the light of His love.