Monday, January 9, 2023

You shall not bear false witness

 Have we had enough of Prince Harry yet? He's everywhere! On the television, the first entry on social media and soon on the book shelves for those foolish enough to buy his upcoming book, "Spare."

 Harry had been busy airing his many grievances in public for awhile now.  His brother is a bully; his sister in law is cold; the King's wife is dangerous and the British media are blood-thirsty destroyers.  His list of complaints runs ad nauseum.

 I am not an expert on Harry.  I haven't watched every interview or read every story.  But one of the many things that bothers me about Harry is this - has he not contributed to the disfunction of this family in any way?

 I get the impression Harry believes that this mess is of the Royal Family's doing.  He's said no angry words? He's made no cutting statements? His actions haven't created pain and angst among his family?

 I spent enough time with couples in trouble to know that just as it takes two people to make a good relationship, it takes two people to make a bad relationship as well.  Surely Harry and his wife are not the pure and innocent people they pretend to be.

 Perhaps you're familiar with the 8th Commandment - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  Martin Luther's explanation is clear - We should fear and love God that we do not deceitfully lie, betray, slander nor defame our neighbor.  That is what we should not do.

 But Luther's explanation goes on - but defend him, speak well of him and put the best construction on everything.  

 The hymnwriter says it well - Keep me from saying things that later need recalling.  Grant that no idle words may from my lips be falling.  But then, when in my place I must and aught to speak, My words grant power and grace list I offend the weak.  (CW 459:3)

 Harry has had his say.  He has probably created irreparable damage.  Could he now just be silent and go away?  Or better yet, begin by asking for forgiveness from those family members who he has slandered and defamed.  Then healing can begin.