Thursday, March 2, 2023

A Word from God that got my attention

Recently, I have said the same prayer at the beginning of my morning Bible reading and prayer time. I pray: "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening," the words that young Isaiah spoke to the Lord.

As I was reading Psalm 80, it seemed that the Lord really got my attention with verse 19: Restore us, O Lord God Almighty, make Your face shine upon us, that we might be saved.

Restore us, O Lord God Almighty...  To restore something is to return it to its former condition.  Israel prays that God Almighty will restore the nation and its land from the near total desolation of the land by the hands of their enemies.

Interestingly, this verb in the Hebrew language can also be translated, "to restore to life."  The consequence of sin is, as Paul writes to the Romans, "death."  (Romans 6:23).  When Jesus came to atone for our sins, His death and resurrection restored "life" to you and me. (Also Romans 6:23 - read the entire verse).

Make Your face shine upon us...  These words take us back to the Old Testament book of Numbers and the blessing that Moses gave to Aaron and, in turn, Aaron would give to the people of God.

We, too, cherish receiving the blessing and promise of God as it is usually spoken at the end of each worship service.  Through faith in Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection and being clothed in Jesus' righteousness, we are certain that God looks upon us with grace and loves us just as a father loves his child.

That we may be saved...  Asaph and all of Israel are looking for a king who will come and save them from their oppression.  The psalmist prays this petition three times, in part, because as he writes, there doesn't seem to be that leader in their midst and God's help is desperately needed.

God, in mercy, sent His Son to be our King (this is one part of Jesus' three fold office of being our Prophet, our Priest and our King).  Our King governs us, His church, in grace and will one day lead us into the kingdom of heaven.

How wonderful it is when God speaks to us through His Word, His promises of forgiveness, new life and salvation give joy and light to our lives.  Say it again, O Lord: Restore us, O Lord, God Almighty; make Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved!