Friday, March 31, 2023

God Himself Will Fight For You


              For the past few weeks my daily morning Bible study has focused on that great Old Testament hero, Moses.  My daily reading has impressed upon me again the humility and faith that guided Moses as led God’s chosen people, the Israelites.  Given all of his experiences, Moses could have written a book.  In fact, he wrote five of them!  In reading Deuteronomy, we see Moses getting ready to turn his leadership role over to a new man.  Joshua was God’s chosen servant, the one who would lead the Israelites to the promised land of Canaan.

              Normally a job promotion is a cause for celebration.  However, one could understand if Joshua was feeling anxious about this new assignment.  Joshua knew all too well about the “stiff-necked” ways of the people.  He listened as they complained about Moses’ leadership abilities and Joshua watched as the people ignored God’s commands and, instead, led disobedient lives.  It would be no picnic dealing with this crowd.

              Joshua also knew that there would be opposition as the Israelites settled into Canaan.  Battles would be fought against powerful enemies.  Would Joshua be able to count on the support of the people in the heat of battle?  Would they be able to conquer their foes and enjoy the land God had given them?

              Moses and Joshua meet.  It is time for the transfer of power.  Was Joshua showing signs of anxiety? Was doubt written all over his face?  We don’t really know.  But listen to the reassuring words that Moses offers to the new leader of the Israelites: “You have seen with your own eyes,” Moses says, “all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings.  The Lord will do the same to all the kingdoms over there where you are going.  Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God Himself will fight for you.”

              Is this a word that you need today?  Do you find yourself feeling anxious about the future?  Afraid that you’re going to lose your job?  Afraid that you’ll never find another job?  Or perhaps you face a different trouble?  Is the temptation to eat too much or spend too much or gossip too much getting the best of you?

              Or maybe your concern is health – yours or someone else’s health.  Maybe you’re afraid that the diagnosis or treatment is more than you can bear.  Perhaps your fearful that the medical situation you face will leave you facing life without hope.

              The words from Moses to Joshua were designed to replace fear with faith.  Let them do the same for you.  This is God’s personal word to you this week: The Lord your God Himself will fight for you!

              Think about it – Jesus has already fought for you and won!  He lived an obedient life under the Law – for you!  Satan came after the Lord with his weapons of eternal mass destruction.  But Jesus would not give up the fight.  His love for you led Him to the cross.  His cry, “It is finished,” was His victory shout!  Jesus paid for your sins.  He suffered your punishment.  In faith you are free to love God and to serve Him with joy.  You can do this with confidence because the Lord your God Himself will fight for you!

              And God continues the fight.  With His gifts of Word and Baptism and Communion God powerfully calms your fears and restores your hope.  You have seen with your own eyes how He has fought and cared for you in the past.  Your Lord won’t stop now!  Let this truth replace your fear with a renewed faith in your Savior God.  I’ll say it again: The Lord your God Himself will fight for you!