Friday, March 29, 2013

A prayer for Good Friday

Lord Jesus Christ, I know I will never be forsaken by God the Father because You are my Savior and my atonement - You, who hung forsaken on the cross at Golgotha for me.  Even if I never finish what I ought to do and want to do in thankfulness and love for what You did for me, I can still know that You completed everything, even what I was supposed to do.  You took upon Yourself all my guilt, all my trespasses, and everything I was responsible for.  You took my sin upon Yourself when God saw it and it had to be consumed by the burning coals of His holy fire.  I know I can never thank You enough for what You did out of love for me.  Yet, I know You did it so I would receive it free of charge.  Therefore, I stretch my hands out to Your cross and take hold of it, praying that I may rest under its blessed arms, now and forever.  Amen.

Bo Giertz, from To Live With Christ