Saturday, November 23, 2019

Devotion. Pure and Simple.

You may have heard the story about Alvin Straight.  He was a 73 year old man who lived in Laurens, Iowa.  He became very concerned when he heard that his brother, 80 years old, had suffered a stroke. Alvin wanted to see his brother but faced a slight problem - his brother lived in Blue River, Wisconsin, a long way from Laurens.

This was a problem for Alvin because he had lost his drivers license due to poor eyesight.  And for some reason, Alvin wasn't keen to travel by plane, train or bus.

But Alvin came up with a plan.  He pulled out his 1996 John Deere tractor lawn mower from the gargage and started heading for Blue River.  He was going to see his brother - and he did!

Alvin's devotion for his brother reminds me of the devotion Jesus had for His heavenly Father.

It was the Father's will that Jesus come into the world to save sinners.  The Father's plan for our salvation called on Jesus to redeem us sinful people.  He would pay for us with His own shed blood on the cross, the only payment that would satisfy the Father for our disobedience, lack of faith and lack of love.

Nothing was going to stop Alvin from seeing his brother.  Nothing would stop Jesus from saving us.

He allowed Himself to be arrested while praying in the Garden. He did not defend Himself while being tried by the Sanhedrin.  He made no effort to convince Pontius Pilate of His innocence.

Blue River, Wisconsin sounds likes a nice place to visit.  Traveling to the cross was not.

Jesus was forced to take a route that took Him through the streets of Jerusalem, suffering the abuse of a bloodthirsty people.  He strained to carry His cross up the hill where He would be crucified.  Jesus was abused by the soldiers, mocked by the crowd, abandoned by His disciples.  And while all this was taking place, Jesus was fulfilling His Father's will.

Jesus' devotion to His Father - His suffering, death and resurrection - resulted in the blessings we needed the most - forgiveness of our sins, peace for our troubled hearts, the sure and certain promise of an eternity in heaven.  Blessings not earned but given by our beautiful Savior.

Isn't that enough reason to be devoted to Jesus? He won forgiveness of our sins.  Forgive others.  His heart went out to those in need of compassion.  Help others.  His sacrifice is the purest example of love we will ever know.  Love others.

Be devoted! Be devoted to Jesus!