Friday, July 2, 2021

It's Friday - Count Your Blessings!

In that wonderful book, "Little Women," Mrs, March tells this story to her daughters.

"Once upon a time there were four girls who had enough to eat and drink and wear, a good many comforts and pleasures...and yet they were not contented...These girls...made many excellent resolutions; but they...were constantly saying, 'If we only had this,' or 'If we could only do that.'...So they asked an old woman what spell they could use to make them happy, and she said, "When you feel discontented, think over your blessings and be grateful."

In Ephesians 1:3-14, we find the apostle Paul thinking over his blessings.  And what a list it is:

* Being chosen for salvation

* Being adopted as God's dear child

* Receiving the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus

* Receiving Godly wisdom and insight

* Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit

* Receiving the power to do God's will

* Receiving the gift of eternal life

One of the best things about this list of blessings is that you and I can can this list as our own.  Through faith in Jesus alone, God gives us all these things and even more.  He generously blesses us with many and varied spiritual blessings and takes care of our earthly needs too.  We can always think of things we'd like to have.  Bur rarely do we ever lack the things we need.  In His mercy, God provides for us day after day.

Has it been awhile since you've "counted your blessings?"  Paul has given you a great list to start with.  And think of all that you can add - things like answers to prayer, healing of body or soul, broken relationships mended, new opportunities on the job front, bills paid with money still in the bank, and the list goes on and on.  Let's follow Paul's lead and take a little time every day to count our blessings in Christ Jesus!

Have a safe and blessed 4th of July holiday!