Monday, July 12, 2021

Seek His presence always

A favorite verse from the Psalms is "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."  (105:4)

Of this verse, theologian HC Leupold wrote: "For such seeking of God is nothing other than maintaining continual and fresh fellowship with Him, the unfailing source of all our strength, and so this means drawing ever closer to Him."

How does this "seeking" work? First, start in His House, listen to His Word, and respond by offering Your prayers.

Seek the Lord is worship each Sunday.  He's not hard to find.  God is present where His Word is, where His people gather.  He offers forgiveness for sins, His Gospel is worth hearing and obeying, His Body and Blood will fill you with peace.  But then continually "seek" the Lord by listening to Him as He speaks to You in His Word.  God's Spirit will enlighten you and help you deal with people and opportunities and problems.  God will surprise you with those "Ah-ha" moments when you open up Your Bible.  Then, offer up your praise, thanksgiving and petitions to the One who is glad to hear the voice of His dear child.

There is no magic to this "seeking" business.  Simply look for the Lord in the places where you know He will be found - in Word and Sacraments - and God will fill you with the faith and the strength you need for living out your new life in Christ!