Tuesday, September 14, 2021

God Is For Us

Below is the sermon I preached last Sunday at Life in Christ:

God is for us!

            It was Thursday, September 13, 2001.  The congregation I was serving, Island Lutheran Church on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, had gathered for worship.  Our country had suffered an unimaginable terrorist attack on Tuesday, 9/11.  The World Trade Center was a pile of rubble.  Rescuers made a futile search for signs of life.  The whole nation mourned and we worried that our way of life had come to an end.

            For two days I received calls from our congregation.  Some expressed anxiety and fear.  One person told me they would be traveling back home for Thanksgiving.  Now, they didn’t know if they could get on a plane.  Others wondered if other attack would follow what we saw on Tuesday.  And there was lots of anger.  Someone should pay for the devastation what was wrought in New York City, Washington DC, and in a field outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

            I had puzzled for a day over what Bible text my message should be based on.  As I had paged through my Bible, I found myself coming back to one particular chapter – Psalm 46 – words that I imagine many of you have turned to in times of trouble:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.  God is within her; she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.

The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress.

            The message was clear and unmistakable.  Here was an answer for our anxiety, fear, and anger.

 God is for you! God is on your side.  God is your mighty fortress.

            I’m sure that most if not all of you know where you were on that fateful day.  And even though it’s been two decades, some of you will never forget the anxiety in the eyes of those searching the streets and hospitals of New York City for loved ones. 

            Or the fear etched on the faces of firemen, paramedics, police officers and others as they searched in vain for signs of life in the dust and rubble of the Pentagon. 

Or the anger laying on the tongues of those who wanted the ones responsible for this madness to pay for the pain Americans were feeling.

And some of you here today share some of these very feelings.  Your worried sick and wonder, “What will happen to me if I don’t get the vaccine?  What will happen to me if I get the vaccine?”  Or maybe you are filled with fear and your world feels like a pile of rubble because of a broken promise and relationship.  Or perhaps, anger is laying on your tongue because a friend betrayed you, your family takes you for granted, or your employer doesn’t recognize your good work.

It's been 20 years since 9/11/2001.  But really, isn’t it everyday that we need to hear of the comfort and love that God has for you and me, His children.  God is for us! God is on our side! God is our mighty fortress.

As many of you know, Psalm 46 is the psalm that inspired Martin Luther to write that majestic hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God.”  In one strong stanza after another, Luther describes in unforgettable terms that “for us fights the valiant One,” that God “holds the field forever,” and that, in Jesus, “our victory has been won, the Kingdom ours remaineth.”

Luther’s focus is solely on our gracious God.  God and no one else in the world is our refuge in the face of tragedy, terror, disaster, or death.  God is our first choice, not our last resort. 

God is our refuge.  The noun “refuge” is formed from a verb meaning, “to be safe.”  As events unfolded on that faithful Tuesday, President Bush was whisked from a Florida elementary school, taken to Air Force One, and into the skies.  Vice President Cheney was taken by the Secret Service to a secure place.

But it is not just the President and Vice President who alone receives such privileged treatment.  When we find ourselves being threatened by anxiety, when worrisome thoughts cause us to lose sleep and hope, we have a safe place, a mighty fortress.  God is our refuge, our safety.

You can feel safe because God is your refuge.  He is totally and completely on your side.  This is comforting news for us Christians because we too have an enemy – the devil.  Satan seeks to destroy the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.  He will use any means necessary to take away our joy and salvation.

We have a champion who fights for us because Jesus is greater than the devil.  He defeated Satan at the cross and the tomb.  Jesus holds power over death and the grave.  Remember what Jesus said to the synagogue ruler when the man asked Jesus to come and heal his daughter? Don’t be afraid – just believe.

In our battle against the terrorist above all terrorists, we feel better because we have an ally who fights for us, our mighty God.  God is for us.  His Word clearly teaches that He is the One who will take care of us when fear is about to harm us.  God is the one who shelters us so that the evil one cannot have his way with us.

God is also our strength.  He promises to be present when we feel weak.  His Word picks us up when we are down, His meal of thanksgiving has the power to give us strength to stand firm in the midst of fear, anxiety, or anger.

Yes, God is for us.  God is on our side.  And God is with us.

On 9/11, I was at a church with a group of pastors in Arlington, Virginia, just five miles from the Pentagon.  We went outside and heard the firetrucks and the paramedics and saw the smoke as a good section of the building burst into flames.

During the horror and hysteria of that day, our government continually kept reminding us that although President Bush was not in Washington, he was in charge, directing the government and first responders.  It was their way of saying, “The President is with you in this.”

While that was consoling and what we needed to hear on that horrible day, I find even more comfort in know that God is with you and me.  He is ever-present.  The Hebrew word has as its root meaning, “very accessible.” 

Doesn’t that describe our Lord? The Bible teaches that we can have his ear anytime we want.  He gives us His undivided attention whenever we call on Him.  God knows our fears.  He’s acquainted with our tears.  So, we flee to him for refuge.  As the Scriptures, He is not far from us.

Isn’t it good to know that God is your refuge, your strength?  He is your safe place.  When the terrorists of fear, anxiety and anger come racing into your hearts, flee to God.  He will give you shelter, care and help.  You can be sure of this because Jesus lovingly says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

This rest we first receive by faith when, through the work of the Holy Spirit, we came to trust Jesus for forgiveness, new life, and salvation.  He continues to give us this rest and peace as we hear the words of absolution, as we mediate upon His Word of truth, as we come into His presence in prayer.

Did you come here today filled with fear? Overwhelmed by anxiety? Swallowed up by anger. God says to you, “come to me.”  This we do today and in all the days of our lives.

We do this because God is for us! God is by our side! God is our mighty fortress! Amen!