Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Hump Day will be a busy Day

Wednesday is always a busy day for me.  I began this morning with coffee and devotion, reading from Richard Lauersdorf's book on the six chief parts of the Catechism and praying the morning office from "The Divine Hours."  After I have breakfast, I'll spend the morning preparing the Bible study for tomorrow night.  I'll grab a bit of lunch and then head to the office.

The afternoon will be full - contacting new members about the upcoming Spiritual Gifts classes; reviewing the number of volunteers who have committed to helping with the resumption of the Saturday evening service; filling out an application for our District Office so I can hold the title of Pastor Emeritus (which doesn't mean too much) and getting ready for a meeting tonight with our Board of Ministry Directors.

It will be a busy but blessed day.  I pray yours is the same!