Monday, March 21, 2022

Get the "Daily Prayer" app!

While I was on vacation I stumbled upon an app that has helped me maintain a more consistent devotional time with God.

It's called "Daily Prayer app - A Guide to Spiritual Rhythm."  It's free and it does just what it is advertised to do - provide a regular rhythm and routine to the times of prayer of a Christian.

I'm not entirely sure who developed the app.  Their intention was to give the user an easy means for praying four times a day - morning, midday, evening and late evening.  The content is new each day although some of the prayers and confessions repeat.  I don't find that a problem at all.

The app comes with a custom notification feature to help remind you when it's time to pray.  During the four times a day that you use "Daily Prayer" there is also a feature which allows you to read Scripture or to listen as the Scripture is read.  Having a regular daily lectionary of sorts suits me.  I also like that since we are in the season of Lent, the prayers and reading compliment this particular season of the church year.  Many of the prayers are taken from the "Book of Common Prayer."

I was accustomed, like many of you, to having a morning session of Bible reading and prayer.  But then as I jumped into my day, I got so busy I lost track of what I had read and prayed and its application for my life.  For me, I like the idea of praying regularly throughout the day.  I find it keeps me more focused on God and what He has to say to me in His Word.  It's a form of worship that works well.

I assume this app is available on whatever smart phone you use.  I encourage you to use the Daily Prayer app for one week.  Pray and read Scripture four times each day.  I feel pretty certain that at the end of the seven days you'll keep going.  You'll find that it's a real blessing spending that time with the Lord.