Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The sweetest word my ears have ever heard

When I hear it my ears perk up like my dog when I say "treat."  My smile is brighter than the sun's reflection off of Charles Barkley's head. The sweetest word my ears have ever heard is "Daddy."

My oldest daughter is in for a visit.  As I lugged her luggage into our car (note to self - see doctor about possible hernia), she said, "Daddy, I am so glad to see you!"  Suddenly it was if I didn't have a care in the world.  Tuesday's vote was no longer a concern.  I stopped thinking about upcoming doctors appointments.  It was 7 pm and it was dark. But I felt as though the sun was shining brightly on me - no one else, just me.  That's the power of the word, "Daddy."

What word can cause your heart to soar higher than the International Space Station? What one word gives you the confidence that your life has been worth living.  "Daddy" works for me?