It's amazing a how much stuff a pastor can collect in 21 years of ministry! Last night I was going through some boxes stored in my closet and found pictures, plaques, and other gifts from people I've served over the years. As I dug through one box I discovered a prayer that I had had framed. It was on the wall near my desk in my office. It's a wonderful prayer written by a great man, the Christian pastor, apologist and author, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
O Heavenly Father
I praise and thank You
For the peace of the night
I praise and thank You for this new day
I praise and thank You for all Your goodness
and faithfulness throughout my life
You have granted me many blessings;
Now let me also accept
what is hard from Your hand
You will lay on me no more than I can bear
You make all things work together for good
for Your children. Amen