Saturday, May 26, 2018

My family, a conference and a busy weekend

The past seven days have been a mixture of down time, learning and getting back to work.

At this time last Saturday we were flying to Appleton, WI to be with my youngest daughter and her family and to celebrate the third birthday of my grandson, Duke.  We had a wonderful celebration.  Duke cracks me up with his antics.  His big party was Sunday afternoon and his gifts were guns, guns, guns.  There were all kinds of nerf-shooting guns; apparently Duke has been watching too many army movies with his older brother.  Green Bay is a wonderful place to visit in the summer time.  We're just sorry that we won't be there this 4th of July to see their tremendous fireworks display - 1st rate!

Sherri and I also attended a Parish Nurses Conference that was held on the campus of Concordia University Wisconsin.  The conference was as good, if not better, than many pastor conferences I've attended over the years.  The break out sessions were very informative and best of all, I got to meet and hear Rev. Dr. Dan Paavola.

Dr. Paavola is the author of "Our Way Home," a book in which he takes a unique look at the Lord's Prayer.  Not only will this book give you new insight into the prayer Jesus taught His disciples, it could also revolutionize your prayer life.  Dr. Paavola is a creative writer who weaves personal stories into solid Lutheran doctrine which produces a highly readable and informative book.  He preached at the chapel service on Wednesday and on Thursday presented a session on the word "steadfast" as found in the Scriptures.  He is an energetic, creative speaker; I could have listened to him all day! Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of "Our Way Home." You'll be happy that you did.

Got back home Thursday evening and spent most of Friday preparing for a wedding that I'll do today at 2 pm.  Ryan and Nyree are a wonderful couple and they were a joy to work with as we did pre-marital counseling together.  I'm excited for them as they start this new season of their lives.

Then at 5 pm I'll be preaching at the communion service we'll offer.  In fact, I'll be preaching at all the Sunday services too - 8, 9:30 and 11 am.  Tomorrow is Holy Trinity Sunday and I'll explain how your baptism connects you to the Triune God.  Do come and join us this weekend at LICL!