Well, I didn't keep the lights off for very long. I intended to take a permanent break from the blog. But there were some readers who said they missed the content and often found it encouraging and inspirational. That was appreciated! Since I review books from Baker Books, I need this outlet to post my reviews and assure Baker I'm reaching a wide audience. So, we're back.
However, I won't be blogging every day. I'm going to extend grace to myself and not put the pressure regarding posting daily content. But when I think I've written something you might enjoy or find something in my journal which might brighten your day, then I'll add it to the blog.
This pandemic has been trying for all of us. And it's only getting worse in the 48th state. The lifestyle changes we've had to make have been frustrating, irritating and painful. We Americans haven't been tested like this in decades.

Yesterday I found some encouragement and hope while reviewing Luther's Small Catechism, specifically Luther's explanation to the First Article. It reminded me that -
God gave me life. He knows me thoroughly and completely.
God has given me all I need to live. I lack nothing.
God is my refuge and strength. He protects and keeps me in His care.
God loves me like a good father loves his child. He loves me even though I don't deserve that love.
God is deserving of my thanks and praise. No one loves me like my God.
Of course, all of this is the same for you, my kind reader. The changes we've seen in our country have been shocking and breathtaking. Some predict that our lives as we knew them will never be the same again.
I don't know if any of those things are true. But God tells us in the Bible - "I, the Lord, do not change." Luther's explanation reminds us that our God is unchangeable. He will continue to sustain our lives by meeting all our needs. He will continue to be the One whom we call on when we are afraid or worried. His unconditional love can never be matched. With the psalmist we can say, "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever."
I hope that your holiday is a good one. I'll miss the barbeques and the backyard gatherings. I'll miss the opportunity to celebrate our Independence Day with friends and family. My dear, sweet wife and I will have to get creative in making this a fun three day weekend (actually 2 and one half days for me).
One more thing - let's give thanks to God for the freedoms we enjoy, freedoms that have made our lives so good. It seems like freedom is under attack in our own country. It feels like some are trying to rewrite history. I don't think the protesting and violence has made one life better. That can only take place through people sitting down, listening to each other, deciding what changes need to be made to make the lives of the oppressed better and then getting it done. All the rest of what is going on is just noise.
Well, enough of my mini-rant. Sherri has gotten me hooked on an app called "Wordscapes." Puzzle 208 is calling my name! God's peace and blessings!@