Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tiddy Boy

That's our cat, Tiddy.  He was sleek and could run like the wind.  If he felt like it.  Most of the time he enjoyed resting away in my recliner.

Tiddy was different than most cats.  He followed me around like a dog.  When I got home from work, he would accompany me to the bedroom as I put on comfortable clothes.  If I sat down to watch the evening news, Tiddy would jump in my lap and rub his face against my chin.  Whether it was a sign of affection or not, I do not know.  But that's how I took it.

We inherited Tiddy from my daughter, Katie.  She had just brought home her first child.  As she went to prepare a bottle for her boy, she caught Tiddy on the kitchen counter licking all the nipples to the bottles.  Soon thereafter we got a call from Katie - "Come and get the cat or else!"  We knew what "or else" meant.  Even though we already had a cat, we took Tiddy into our home.  One of the best decisions we ever made.

During the down days of depression, Tiddy was good medicine for me.  Watching him rest on my lap, purring his little heart away, helped me to relax and feel at peace.

Tiddy suffered a stroke a few years ago.  We rushed him to the vet but were told there was nothing that could be done to save him.  We wept great tears as Tiddy was put down.  We grieved for weeks afterward.

Thank God for the gift of pets.  I believe our four-legged loved ones will be in heaven.  I'll know when I am reunited with Tiddy Boy.  He'll be the one in my arms, rubbing his face against my chin.