Monday, September 16, 2013

What to do when you're anxious

I found this instruction helpful when I first read it in Kurt Senske's book, "The Calling," two years ago.  I find myself going back to it's instruction again and again.  Thought I share it with any of you anxious types.

We may allow stress, doubt, and anxiety to block out God's still, small voice.  When this happens and it will, do the following:
first, close your eyes and take a deep, cleansing breath to clear your mind.

second, say a quick prayer, perhaps something like, "God, please help me discern how, in this moment, to live the life You intend.

third, focus on the here and now.  Where are you? What is happening? How will you deal with what is presented to you?

1) Take a deep breath

2) Say a prayer

3) Focus on serving someone at this very moment