Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Make me brand new

Where does the new life in Christ come from? Author Tim Wesemann points the way:

Why do I put the cross at arm's length?
 When Jesus went to such great lengths to save me?
 Why am I blind to those with great needs
 When Jesus gave me sight and all that I need?
 Why am I such a stumbling block
 To God's faithful chosen who live on the Rock?

Change me.  Forgive me.  Make me brand new.
 Wash me.  Absolve me.  I'll follow You.
 Jesus, redeem me.  Make me brand new.
 Spirit, renew me, Make my heart true.

It's time to run to Calvary's cross -
 There to find hope and forgiveness in Jesus.
 Why He died for me boggles my mind,
 But my Spirit-created faith say than You.
 Why I cling to the cross of Christ now
 Is because He changed me.  Christ made me brand new.

Change me.  Forgive me.  Make me brand new.
 Wash me. Absolve me.  I'll follow You.
 Jesus, redeem me.  Make me brand new.
 Spirit, renew me, Make my heart true.

From "Seasons Under the Sun," published by Concordia Publishing House