Thursday, July 12, 2018

A beautiful baptismal font and cross

A couple of pictures from our April trip to the Holy Land.  On our last day in Jerusalem, Sherri and I found a Lutheran church. With most of the signage being in Hebrew we had a difficult time learning much about its origin.  I did gather that the church was being supported by the ELCA and other church bodies.

The top picture is of the baptismal font with a cross behind it.  The font sat in its own space, on the lectern side of the chancel.  The cross was an amazing display of art.  It depicts Jesus rising through the water after being baptized by John in the Jordan river. I didn't take a close enough look at the cross to see if it could be used as a processional cross.  Nevertheless, it was beautiful.

This church wasn't on our list of places we would visit while in Jerusalem.  But we were glad to have found this place of worship.