Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer

 Lord, on this special day, we pause to give thanks to You for your bountiful blessings and gracious gifts.  You have blessed us beyond measure.  On this and every day may we offer to You our praise and thanksgiving.

 Thank you for Your mercy and grace.  You saw our need for a Savior and so You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to be the One who would rescue us from eternal death and through His suffering and death on the cross have given us eternal life.  Thank You for the gift of faith that enables us to receive the forgiveness of sins, new life now and an eternity which will be filled with our worship and praises.

 We give thanks for all You have given us.  We are blessed beyond measure.  You have opened Your hand and have given us everything we need to live and then You give us even more.  Create in us a new heart so that we might be moved to share what we have with those who are in need.  For as we give to others it's as if we have given it to You.

 Bless this day spent with family and friends.  As we celebrate, fill our hearts with love, hope and peace.  We ask this in the name of Jesus our Savior.  Amen.

A blessed thanksgiving to you all!