Monday, November 15, 2021

Good advice from a cat

One day I was in the office of the pastor who served at the congregation we attended when we lived in Illinois.  Sitting next to his desk was a brown paper bag.  I asked what was in it and he replied, "It's a collection of cards and letters I've received from members.  I look at their notes of encouragement and praise when I'm having a bad day and feeling down from criticism from some disgruntled member."

So, when I began my ministry in 1997, I began doing the same thing.  Over almost 25 years I've collected a large box full of notes, letters and pictures.  My pastor friend was right - words of appreciation and encouragement are good medicine with criticism causes thoughts of doubt to flood your mind.

One birthday card made me laugh out loud.  It is just the card this good friend would give me.  On the cover is a sleeping cat.  Open the card and you read: 

              Celebrate like a cat today.  Eat. Sleep. Ignore everyone who annoys you.