Monday, December 13, 2021

TGW - December 13-18

Here we go again! Another TGW for you.  Continue your devotional study in Joshua, a new Psalm, Matthew and Galatians.  God bless your week as you continue to Treasure God's Word!

TGW – December 13-18

Monday, December 13, 2021                                            Read Joshua 4:1-14

There are times when preachers will use an object in order to emphasize a truth from God’s Word.  Joshua uses two piles of 12 rocks as a way of reminding the people God was with them (verse 3) and had enabled them to cross the Jordan at a time when it was at flood stage.  What is impossible for a nation to do is not impossible for the Lord.  Pray: Lord, help me to see the baptismal font at church as a place where You poured out Your grace on me.  Amen.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021                                            Read Joshua 4:15-24

God always has a purpose for what he does.  In the crossing, the people are urged to teach their children about the awe-inspiring power of God (vs. 21).  Also, the crossing can be shared as a witness to all peoples (vs. 24) that they too might know the power and grace of God.  Pray: Lord, help me to give witness Your grace in my life to others who need to know You.  Amen.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021                                     Read Psalm 6:1-10

This is the first of the seven “penitential” psalms.  It is a cry for mercy from David who is in anguish because he feels as though he is being punished for his sins.  Despite his agony and despair, David’s faith does not falter – he is confident that God hears and will answer His prayer.  Pray: God, David turned to you in his grief; teach me to do the same so that I might be a recipient of Your mercy.  Amen.


Thursday, December 16, 2021                                          Read Matthew 10:26-40

The initial verses provide instructions on “what not to fear.”  Why? Because if God cares for insignificant sparrows, how much more does He care about you? Also note that Jesus demands first place in our lives, even if it means distancing oneself from family.  Pray: Jesus give me strength to carry whatever cross I bear for following You and no one else.  Amen.


Friday, December 17, 2021                                                Read: Matthew 11:1-19

Here we see how the religious elites had closed their minds and hearts.  They criticized John for his stern call to repentance.  They saw Jesus as too merciful and had rejected their rules and regulations.  Pray: Lord Jesus, when I have my doubts, teach me to do as John did and to take my doubts to You and trust that You will bring clarity and faith.  Amen.


Saturday, December 18, 2021                                          Read Galatians 3:19-29

Look at verses 19, 22-25.  The Law serves the Gospel in three ways – The Law convicts us of sin; it convinces us of our own need for a Savior;  it frees us to hear the proclamation of the Gospel.  Remember that Jesus does for us what the Law cannot do – make us righteous before our heavenly Father.  Pray: Lord, prepare my heart to worship Jesus, my Savior, this weekend.  Amen.