Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Delight Yourself in the Lord!

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4

What do you take pleasure in? An Arizona sunset? A Facetime visit from a dear friend? Balancing a grandchild on your knee? Having the entire family at the dinner table for a meal?

Do you know that God wants to have a relationship with you in which you take pleasure in Him?

The psalmist David writes, "Delight yourself in the Lord."  This you can do in so many different ways.  You can take pleasure in being in God's house to receive His gifts of grace...kneeling at the communion rail to feast on Christ's body and blood for the forgiveness of sins...hearing the assurance of God's love as found in the Gospels...celebrating old friendships and making new ones with Christ at the center...being used by the Lord through meaningful service in the church.

A Word from Holy Scripture can bring delight in the Lord.  Lyrics from a great old hymn can produce a feeling of pleasure and contentment as we sing praises to our great and mighty God for His blessings.  To take pleasure in your relationship with the Lord is to give thanks to God for His unlimited mercy and grace.

The verse above comes with a promise - "And He will give you the desires of your heart."  Don't misunderstand - this is not the promise of a blank check with which you can have or do anything you want.  David is simply noting that when a believer takes pleasure in the Lord, they seek to make His will their will and constantly seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that their life is in line with the life that God gives - the new life through faith in Christ.

That's reason enough to delight yourself in the Lord, isn't it?