Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Why the 10 Commandments?

I saw a clip of a conversation with the comic Woody Allen and the Rev. Billy Graham.  A discussion of the 10 Commandments ensued and Graham referred to them as God's rules.  And that's how most people see the Commandments, whether they are followers of God or not.  The Commandments show us our sin, how we have failed to live the righteous and holy lives that God demands of us.  They lead us to repentance and the seeking of God's forgiveness as we confess our sins and how we have broken God's rules.

But the commandments serve another purpose.  We often wonder, "What is God's will for my life?" The answer is , "Look to the commandments!"  They show us how to live with God and to live with one another.  Pastor and theologian, Bo Giertz, captures very well this use of the Commandments in the quote below:

God's commands aren't there so we know how we can be saved.  They exist so we can help our fellow man and be of joy and blessing to them.

Live today and let the 10 Commandments be your guide, your best way to "fear, love and trust in God above all things."  (The Explanation of the First Commandment from Luther's Catechism).