Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Life You Crave

Yesterday, I had my third round of steroid shots for my aching back.  While resting yesterday I started reading, "The Life You Crave," written by pastor/author Michael W. Newman.  I was blessed by reading Newman's "Hope When Your Heart Breaks," which points to Jesus as the one true hope when our hearts are broken over betrayal, rejection, loss, and the other troubles of life.

In "The Life You Crave," Newman writes, "There are times when it is difficult to understand life's struggles and setbacks."  How true is that statement.  In 23 years of parish ministry, I've often had to sit with God's people who have asked me, "Why did God take my wife now?" "He was on the list for a new kidney.  Why didn't he receive one?" My child keeps spiraling down in addiction.  Why doesn't God act? We've prayed and prayed."

"Why" questions are impossible to answer directly.  Who can know the mind of God.  The Bible tells us His ways are unsearchable.  His will and ultimate goals for our lives He does not always choose to reveal to us.  So then, what do we do?

Newman continues to write, "It is during those times that we are called to trust in Him.  C H Spurgeon, a renowned English credited with saying, "God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be confused, and if I cannot trace His hand I can always trust His heart."

My confirmation verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

How do you answer the "why" question.  One word - trust.  Believe in God's precious promises.  He forgives sin.  He generously gives us His grace.  He creates a bridge from here to heaven - the cross - which leads us to our promised land.  And He promises to see us through life's struggles and setbacks.  Remember that as you come before Your Lord today.  He promises to hear Your petitions.  And that promise brings hope.