My dear, sweet wife often makes fun of the fact that I have the ability to remember the most insignificant details from the past but have a hard time remembering that garbage pickup in our neighborhood takes place on Mondays and Thursdays.
Or is it Tuesdays and Fridays?
Anyway, I was doing some devotional reading in the Scriptures yesterday when I came across a familiar verse. Here's Luke 11:28 - Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it. (KJV)
Every time I read this verse I take a trip down "Memory Lane."
During my years in elementary school, my sister and I attended Redeemer Lutheran School in Tucson, AZ. Luke 11:28 was the first verse our 5th grade class memorized that year. Our teacher, Mrs. Royer, told us that everything we learned in religion class that year would be from the Bible. She said, "Now, I don't want the Bible to go in one ear and out the other! I want you to memorize God's Word and know it and keep it and obey it!"
She was rather emphatic about the importance of knowing your Bible.
The word "obey" certainly carries a lot of negative baggage. But the emphasis of the Greek word for "obey" is "to hold fast to, trust, cherish, keep on believing." Our Savior God takes up residence in our hearts through faith created by God's Word. The Holy Spirit continues throughout our lives to teach us the truth of this precious Word. As we hear and learn it more and more, we trust God for the forgiveness of our sins, hold fast to Jesus as "the way and the truth and the life," and cherish how God speaks to us through His Word.
I didn't realize it at the time but I now understand the excellent instruction Mrs. Royer gave us. To memorize Bible verses is one way to keep the Scriptures from going in one ear and out the other. So, let's memorize - this week's assignment is Luke 11:28.
Let's make Mrs. Royer proud!