Wednesday, April 3, 2013

To Whom Can You Offer Some Fruit Today?

In the late 1980's when our family moved from the Valley of the Sun to the Midwest, we didn't realize just how much we would miss fresh citrus.  However, my wife's Aunt Jean remedied the problem, at least a little bit, each Christmas.

Arriving at our doorstep would be a full box of fresh Arizona oranges.  For days afterward the only sound you would hear around our house was "Mmmmmm goooooood!"  The oranges were a delicious treasure.  Aunt Jean's gift was a blessing beyond compare.

When you arrive at the doorstep of a sick friend to provide a meal and a prayer...when you stand at the doorstep of a troubled friend to offer compassion and help...when you wait on the doorstep of a mourning friend to give comfort and love, you are demonstrating the fruit of Christian faith that the Holy Spirit produces in us and through us.  God uses you to be a blessing beyond compare to others.  And your faith in the Lord is nurtured as you trust more and more in your Savior God for forgiveness of sins, peace of heart and the gift of salvation.

Remember Galatians 5:22-23? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  To whom can you offer some fruit today?