Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wanna see my new-old Bible?

In 1998 I began using CPH's "Today's Light Bible" as my Bible of choice for devotional reading.  I especially appreciated the writing of author Jane Fryer, spread throughout the Bible.

Over that time I've written or underlined something on nearly every page.  So that Bible has become invaluable to me.

As it goes with most books that are regularly used, the original cover began to show signs of wear and tear.  I taped it up a couple of times but I feared that some day the cover was going to come loose from the book itself.

And then it happened, around Thanksgiving 2014.  My Bible slipped out of my hands, hit the office floor with a sickening thud and the damage was done.  Cover separated from book.  And I was very unhappy.

It wasn't long before I began to really miss using my Bible.  I'd heard that bookbinders repaired books and even put new covers on dearly loved books and Bibles.  So I googled "bookbinders" and found Roswell Bookbinding in Phoenix.

Their helpful staff explained that they could put a new cover on my Bible.  The cost would depend, in part, on how much restoration they would need to do to the book (in my case, none because the book held together during its fall on my office floor).

Roswell told me that it would take four to six weeks to recover my Bible.  They got the work done in just under four.  When I picked it up it felt like I was holding a brand new Bible.  But inside were all my notes and other scribbles.  I was thrilled with their work.

New covers cost anywhere from $75 to $130 dollars.  Sounds expensive, right? But if you have a Bible you've used for years, it really is a priceless book.  Money invested on a new cover or on restoration work is money invested well.  My experience with Roswell was first rate.  If you have a Bible that you're not using because the cover has come off, or the pages of the Bible are starting to separate, you owe it to yourself to contact a bookbinder to see what they can do for you.