Saturday, April 13, 2019

A day of ministry and service...and worship too!

What a wonderful day to Run the Race of faith in Jesus Christ!

This morning, about 20 of us are going over to ASU West to participate in the Walk for Life, benefitting Choices Pregnancy Centers in the Valley.  We're excited to be with others who are committed to speaking out for life - from cradle to grave.

Our LWML ministry is hosting a special event, making mats for the homeless.  Our Fellowship Hall will be filled with people who care about those living on the streets and pray that these mats will provide a bit of comfort.

Then our Children's Ministry will be welcoming kids this afternoon at 2 pm for a VBS style event that will help the children prepare for Easter.  There will be lots of fun activities and the kids will come away with a better understanding of why we celebrate Easter as we do.

And, don't forget...worship this weekend at LICL.  Today at 5 pm and tomorrow at 8, 9:30 and 11 am.  It's Palm Sunday so we will be exploring the meaning behind Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.  This time last year a bunch of us stood at the top of the Mount of Olives, trying to imagine what it was like as Jesus was cheered on by the crowd who shouted, "Hosanna," meaning "Lord, save us!"

I wonder how it will all turn out?

Have a blessed weekend!