Saturday, April 20, 2019

From the Cross to the Tomb

On Thursday, we sat in the Upper Room and watched Jesus institute the Lord's Supper.  Last night, we heard Jesus' words of agony and victory as He was crucified.

Today at 5 pm, LICL will hold the annual Service of Light.  The service provides a reminder that the darkness of Good Friday will soon be lifted as the Lord had promised.

Tomorrow, we celebrate the risen Jesus and His victory over all that could have seperated us from the Father and eternity.  Services are held at 6:30 (modern Christian music), 8:30 and 10:30 (traditional hymns plus music from our choir and bells).  Easter breakfast is served throughout most of the morning and an egg hunt for children takes place at 9:30.

Come and help us celebrate the most wonderful day of the church year as we exult, "Alleluia! He is Risen!"