Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Loving My Actual Neighbor

"Love your neighbor as your self."  We know this admonition from Christ Jesus.  But sometime we're stumped as to how to put these words into practice.

Alexandra Kuykendall to the rescue!

Kuykendall writes about moving to a new home in a new neighborhood with lots of new people.  She tells of her guilt in failing to reach out to a neighbor who she hasn't even tried to know or help.  Finding her inspiration from 2 Peter, chapter 1, Kuykendall developed seven practices which can provide the help and motivation for anyone who longs to have meaningful relationships with the people closest - the neighbors.

"Loving My Actual Neighbor" makes for interesting reading.  Kuykendall is a good writer who isn't afraid to share stories from her life.  As you read, you'll probably be nodding your head and thinking, "That's me."  And if it is, you'll be blessed by reading "Loving My Actual Neighbor."