Thursday, April 18, 2019

TBT - God Is In the Cup

From April 2014

Lauren Winner, writing in her book, "Girl Meets God," recounts the following:

A Sunday school teacher asked some 5 and 6 year olds, "What's in the big goblet?"

One child answered, "Apple Juice."

Another child said, "Wine."

"I think," said a pensive girl with black corkscrew curls circling her face, "that Mister Milind is pouring God into the cup to drink."

This is what Jesus teaches us, isn't it?

The bread is "His Body."  The wine is "His Blood."

Given and shed for the forgiveness of all our sins.

Worship with us at LICL tonight at 7 pm.  Included in our Maundy Thursday service is Holy Communion.  Join us.  You'll find God in the cup.  He comes to you to bless you, forgive you and give you peace.

Hope to see you tonight.