Wednesday, April 10, 2019

By the grace of God

Tuesday afternoon I had surgery to remove scar tissue that had formed from a previous in office procedure.

My doctor anticipated that the surgery would take about an hour. 

It lasted 20 minutes.

He was able to remove the scar tissue quite easily.  The other issues he was concerned about were non existent.

I have to admit that coming out of anesthesia I was a little foggy while the nurse tried to tell me how the surgery went.

When she was done my first thought was to pray the Doxology - "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow...."

Praise God, for His healing hands.

Praise God, for skilled surgeons and care givers.

Praise God, for His watchfulness and love.

Praise God, for family and friends and church family who prayed.

My recovery is on track and I hope to be back in the office tomorrow.  I'm reeiving expert care from my dear, sweet wife.  Our dog is attentive too (except when asleep which is often).  It's hard to judge the reaction from the cat.  She's mostly concerned that the food bowl is continually filled.

Two dear friends, Jerry and Connie, came and prayed with Sherri and me.  We were blessed by their presence and concern.

Since I'm "home alone" today, I'll have plenty of time to think about Sunday's sermon.  The first phase of "Run the Race" will conclude on Easter Sunday.  We've gotten off to a good start and I'm working on plans for phase two, beginning on Pentecost.

And, by the grace of God, I'll see you this weekend.  Nothing is better than putting life on pause and gathering around God's Word and Sacraments.
