Saturday, September 14, 2019

MOM - Master Organizer of Mayhem

Marie Kondo has made many friends and helped many people with her book, "The Art of Tidying Up."  I've watched her show on Netflix and it's hard not to like her and some of her ideas on organizing.

But I've always been troubled by one of her rules - keep those things which bring you joy and throw out all the rest.

This bothers me because the Bible teaches us that we are to find our joy in Jesus.  Stuff that wears our or falls apart over time might replace our joy with disappointment and frustration.  We can't depend on possessions to provide joy and happiness.

So, I recommend Kristi Clover's new book to you - M.O.M. - Master of Mayhem.  Kristi writes about dealing with clutter and those precious things you have around the house and could never think of parting with.  She brings into perspective how to deal with stuff and how to organize it (chapters four and 13 are worth the price of the book.)

You'll find tips on how to clean your home; how to develop routines for keeping order on a daily and week basis; how to find solutions to stay motivated when "life" leaves you exhausted.

You, too, can be a Master Organizer of Mayhem.  Get Kristi Clover's new book.

Review copy provided by Baker Books.