Monday, September 2, 2019

"Nice" by Susan Hodde Miller

Susan Hodde Miller is a prolific writer and speaker.  Her latest book is intriguing.  In it she talks about how their should be limits to being nice.

Don't misunderstand - Miller is not suggestion that we no longer react nicely and with kindness to those around us, whether family, friends or people.  But, Miller contends, sometimes we are nice to people when we should, instead, be courageous, honest and truthful.  Being nice may give permission to a person to exhibit bad behavior or make terrible decisions.  In those situations, speaking the truth in love is much more important that just be nice and letting the person go their own way.

In the second half of the book, Miller masterfully shows the reader how spiritual growth and trust in God can enable anyone of knowing when to be nice and when to be courageous.  It's instructive that in order to be a more authentic people, the work begins with you; then as the Lord grows you faith and love, then you are ready to start producing true kindness, courage and love to others.  It's a book worth spending time with.

Book for review provided by Baker Books