Saturday, September 7, 2019

Welcome to Adulting

I would have really enjoyed this book in my early 20's.  You've finally moved into adulthood.  If you've been blessed with parents who, through words and actions, taught you what being an adult was all about, good for you.  But, good parents or not, being looked upon as an adult brought with it some pressure, maybe a lot of pressure.

You're supposed to think, act, talk differently.  You suddenly realize the transition is going to be more difficult than you thought it would.  Where do you turn for help?

Johathan Pokluda's new book is a very helpful resource for 20 and 30 something adults.  Designed to be read over a six week period, "Welcome to Adulting" will provide helpful tips for dealing with anger, worry, temptation and, most importantly, growing in faith and love for Jesus.  Each chapter concludes with something to ponder and think about, a practice that will help the reader implement the idea offered, and a prayer of praise, thanksgiving and a petition for help.

This little book is inexpensive and would be a helpful gift for the growing adult you know who needs assistance and encouragement in "adulting!"

Book for review provided by Baker Books