Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Jeske wisdom

John Jeske was a long time parish pastor and seminary professor.  He wrote commentaries for the People's Bible, published by Northwestern Publishing House, a book of daily devotional readings focusing on the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, and an Old Testament Survey book entitled, "Connecting Sinai to Calvary.  This is a treasure of a book and its main purpose is to show readers that Jesus Christ is the heart and center of the Old Testament.  I just finished read "Connecting Sinai to Calvary" a second time; I had forgotten all of the highlighted sentences and paragraphs I'd made.  Next to many paragraphs I simply wrote, "YES!"

I could spend the next month sharing the many gems I discovered in its pages.  But here's one that stopped me in my tracks, so to speak.

"Jesus showed that He would rather go to hell for you than to go to heaven with you.

Let that thought spark you prayers as you retire to bed tonight.