Monday, August 28, 2017

Open Access to the Gospel

I've just started reading a book that I purchased a year ago.  That's a little embarrassing! I purchased "Being Lutheran" by Trevor Sutton from Concordia Publishing House.  On their web page that have a section that offers book for sale that are slightly damaged or have some kind of imperfection that prevents them from selling the book as new.  I've purchased several of these kinds of book from CPH and, to tell the truth, I have a difficult time determining how the books are imperfect.  You should check it out - might find a bargain!

I'm only about 30 pages or so into the book and in one chapter Sutton talks about how Martin Luther took the Word of God, which had been closed to the people and, in essence, opened it so people could receive the pure Gospel of the Lord.  I particularly liked these words from Sutton:

Luther opened the Bible. He yielded his beliefs to God's Word. He led the church back to the source of salvation, God's grace in Jesus Christ. He directed people to rely on the source of eternal comfort, God's gift of faith. He led believers back to the source of their beliefs, God's Word in Scripture.  Being Lutheran is having open access to the Gospel.  (page 12)

I'm sure I'll be featuring more of Sutton's thoughts on the blog.  He's a good writer and really knows how to present the joy of the Gospel of Jesus.