Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Did you see the one that said...

One of our regular visitors gave me a manila envelope as she left services last Sunday.  She said, "There's something inside that will give you a chuckle." She had printed off from the internet a bunch of church signs with catchy sayings: "Catch up with Jesus - Lettuce Praise and Relish Him." But included in the material was some signs I hadn't seen before.

From an Anglican Church

Adam and Eve
The First People
 Not To Read the Apple
Terms and Conditions

A Catholic Church Sign

Too Hot To Keep
Changing Sign
Sin Bad Jesus Good
Details Inside

A Presbyterian Church posted:

If You Are
Praying For Snow
Please Stop (they were snowed in)

A Baptist Church chipped in with this:

Whoever Stole
Our AC Unites Keep
One It Is Hot
Where You're Going

And finally from UCC Church

Tweet Others
As You Would
Like To Be Tweeted

Have a blessed day!