Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Farewell Discourse & Final Prayer of Jesus

In short, this book is a gem.

Dr. D.A. Carson has edited a number of scholarly works and essays and has compiled them into a readable book, appropriate for the seminary professor, pastor or layman.  He tackles St. John, chapters 14 through 17, where John provides a behind-the-scenes look at Jesus giving His disciples words of comfort, aid and hope, as the Lord prepares for His passion to begin.

Carson breaks down the words of Jesus often used in funeral messages from John 14:1-6.  He sheds new light on Jesus', "I am the way and the truth and the life," showing what the Lord meant as He talked to confused disciples.  Carson explains how the Father and the Son take care of the disciples - then and now - by sending the Holy Spirit, who makes clear the work of the Trinity.  Carson's discussion on what Jesus meant when He said to the disciples, "My peace I leave with you..." is a masterpiece.  He explains how this peace is vertical (with God), horizontal (peace with your neighbor) and personal (peace in your own heart).

I am just scratching the surface of what this book has to offer.  What I loved most about the book is that you find Jesus on every page - comforting, assuring and praying for His disciples (and that includes you and me!).  Find this book, mark it up, write what you've learned in your Bible.  Again, D.A. Carson has produced a gem!

Book provided by Baker Books for review.