Friday, November 16, 2018

Bring a friend to church Sunday

Actually, every Sunday should be about bringing a friend to church.  Even more so when you consider...

Today, there are twice as many Lutherans in Ethiopia as there are in the US.

There are now more Baptists in Nagaland (an eastern state in India) than there are in the southern states in the US.

There were more Christians worshiping in China last Sunday than there were in the US or in all of Europe!  (Source: "Joining Jesus on His Mission" page 42).

Amazing, isn't it?

Besides being a people so blessed with so much, we have more Christian tools available than anywhere else - more Bibles to choose from, more Bible studies to access, more Christian plaques, jewelry, artwork, you name it!

So, why are so many Americans forsaking Christ and His church?

The reasons are many.  But there is one thing we can do - bring a friend to church.

Ok, they might say "no." They might come once and never return. It doesn't matter.

An invitation to that person, if offered sincerely and without the feeling that you've got an ulterior motive, says, "I care about you.  I want you to have what I have."

So bring a friend to church.  At Life in Christ, we worship today at 5 pm and tomorrow at 8, 9:30 and 11 am.

Think about it.  Pray about it.  Invite a friend to come with you to church. 

Who knows what God will do.