Saturday, November 24, 2018

The significance of Absolution

In nearly every Lutheran worship service, confession and absolution is the first thing that's found in the liturgy.  This is not by accident.  We arrived to worship carrying a boat load of sins - things that we've done and things we've left undone.  To have that burden lifted at the beginning of the service readies our hearts to receive the other gifts of God that the service delivers.

William Weedon, in his book, "Thank, Praise, Serve and Obey," shares these thoughts about the significance of absolution:

It is the truth that God speaks to us about Himself and what He has done about the disaster inside each of us. We call that truth the Absolution. It is when God justifies the sinner, declaring her or him to be righteous.

This Sunday is the last Sunday of the Church year.  In just a week the season of Advent and a brand new church year awaits to greet us.  We invite you to join us at Life in Christ - today at 5 pm or tomorrow at 8, 9:30 or 11 am.  Have a blessed weekend!