Saturday, March 23, 2019

Join us in God's house this Sunday!

Saturday morning...a couple of cups of coffee, devotional reading from Run the Race, talking on the phone to the youngest daughter and her family, and now a minute or two on the blog.

I'm thinking about this weekend's worship and I imagine these words, from the psalmist, are spoken with great enthusiasm and joy: I LOVE THE HOUSE WHERE YOU LIVE, O LORD, THE PLACE WHERE YOUR GLORY DWELLS!

God's house is a place of respite and refreshment.  As we walk through the doors of the sanctuary, we remember the words of Jesus; Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)  We find a place to sit and prepare our hearts to meet our loving Lord - we hear His Word of forgiveness, He speaks to us through the Scriptures appointed for that day, He meets us at the communion table where he invites us to take and eat...take and drink..this is the true body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, given and shed for the remission of all your sins.

Do you have need to be in God's house this weekend? Sure, you do! Who doesn't need a place where the worries of this world can be left outside on the front step of the church? Who doesn't need to hear that no matter what you face, you have God's assurance that you need not fear anything because God is with you. (Psalm 23:4)

So, join us this weekend for worship - Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 8, 9:30 and 11 am.  You'll receive a warm welcome when you worship at Life in Christ!