Friday, May 12, 2017


Andrew M. Davis' book, "Revitalize," doesn't offer 5 or 7 or 9 easy steps to follow to revitalize a stagnant or dying church.  In fact, he makes it clear that such work is hard and challenging.  Instead, Davis offers some Biblical keys to help such churches come alive again.

Davis knows of what he writes.  Throughout the book he weaves his own story of coming to the First Baptist Church of Durham, North Carolina.  The church had fallen away from solid Biblical principles and had succumbed to lay leadership that had grown drunk on their own power and authority.  Davis explains how, with the help of a remnant of godly men and women, the church was able to return to its Biblical roots and, in the process, become a revitalized church with a passion for discipleship and outreach.

The book consists of 17 easy-to-read chapters.  "Revitalize" would be the perfect tool to be utilized by pastors, elders, deacons and other church leaders.  Each chapter concludes with a section called "Practical Advice."  And that's just what Davis offers - practical advice regarding the way that a church can come alive again - revitalized!