Thursday, June 4, 2015

A precious promise

Last Sunday at Life in Christ we held a Confirmation service for six kids who had completed their two year studies.  During my sermon I shared with them an observation that I've made over the years.

I told the kids that every year I ask our Confirmands, "Now that you've finished, how many of you will be here next Sunday and the Sunday after that and the Sunday after that?"

"Everyone raises their hand.  But you want to know how many of our kids really keep coming to church? Less than half."

Than I said, "I'm praying that your class will be different.  I'm praying that you won't see this service as a graduation of sorts.  I'm praying that you'll be faithful to your Lord and Savior and that worship and Bible study will always be an important part of your life."

Following the service two of the kids came up to me and said, "We'll be away most of the summer so we won't be here next Sunday.  But we will be in church as soon as we come back home."

If nothing else, their comments let me know that they were listening.

Then, in yesterday's mail I received a thank you note from one of the kids.  She wrote, in part, "Thank you for guiding me on the right path.  And I promise I'll go to church every Sunday.

A precious promise, indeed!