Critics often say that "all the church is concerned about is money!" Watch for these signs:
10) Trustees install pay toilets
9) Worshippers must purchase bulletins. $1 for Advent and Lenten bulletins; $5 for Sunday bulletins "because they're larger."
8) God's grace is free - donuts are a dollar!
7) Pastor tells Stewardship Committee, "I want you to try every idea - good or bad - to raise money for the church. Bad idea - committee member is arrested trying to hold up a convenience market.
6) In church narthex hang two portraits - Martin Luther and Dave Ramsey
5) Must purchase a personal seat license to have place to sit in sanctuary
4) Church potlucks have $20 cover charge
3) Pastor tells congregation, "If you're not giving generously, you need a check up from the neck up!"
2) Church council installs parking meters in parking lot
And the number one sign that your church IS all about money:
1) EVERY Sunday is Stewardship Sunday