Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Book Reading List

Here's what I'm working through this summer:

"Motivation for Ministry" by Nathan R. Pope.  This book was written in the early 1990's by a veteran pastor who believes that a pastor's motivation for ministry to God's people is simple: all things are done to the glory of God. I'm about half way through the book and have been greatly encouraged by this author's pen.

"A Short Guide to a Happy Life" by Anna Quindlen. This book was recommended to me by a friend.  It's 50 pages long so I'm guessing that it can be read in one sitting.  Quindlen writes "Knowledge of our own mortality is the greatest gift God ever gives us because unless you know the clock is ticking, it is so easy to waste our days, our lives."

"A Storm of Swords" by George R.R. Martin.  This is book three in the series from which "Game of Thrones" is based.  I don't get HBO but I've found the books to be a captivating read.  They need to be since each book runs a good 1000 pages.

"Beatles vs. Stones" by John McMillian.  The author is not a pop music writer but a college professor.  He dives into the various ways the two bands were marketed in the UK and the USA.  I'm gathering that while members of the Beatles and Rolling Stones were friends, there was also a serious competition between the two groups.  I've looked at only a couple of pages of the introduction and have already picked up a couple of insights that I hadn't known.

I hope you're taking some time to read a book or two this summer.  I prefer paper and print but that's just me.  However you get it, find something good to read.  It will be time well spent (and don't we want to spend our time well?).